Principal's Message



Prof. (Dr.) Dushyant kumar

“With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in…”

-         Abraham Lincoln

I wish to express the vision and mission of the college with the words of Abraham Lincoln that Upadhi Mahavidyalaya is dedicated and devoted to impart quality education to all the students who come from different sections of the society.

It gives me immense pleasure to welcome you all to Upadhi Mahavidyalaya. As a head of the institution, I would like to assure you that in the contemporary period of information technology you would find all the necessary and relevant information related to the college ranging from its history to present-day activities, from infrastructure to workforce, from admission procedure to examination and all the information related to college on this website.

It is one of the main concerns of the institution to keep the youth firmly rooted in Indian values, tradition and culture and at the same time, to orient them for the modern and latest corpus of knowledge and technology which is necessary for them.

The college puts a high premium on moulding its students into morally and socially upright, and politically and socially aware and responsible citizens. It requires dedication, determination and dedication to make the students competent enough to meet the global standards of diverse educational and professional opportunities.

Not only this, the college also focuses to ensure professionalism of its workforce with humanistic touch. Decisions are made and policies are framed with due consideration to human limitations and exigencies. The college also believes sincerely in the strength and positive energy of decentralized system of governance. Hence it provides equal opportunity to all its stakeholders to work with their talents, ideas and expertise to achieve excellence in terms of the development of the institution and the nation in a better way.

I wish you all success and a better future.

Looking forward to your response and invaluable suggestions.